Our Mission is Ecological Restoration.

Restoring Balance.

We perform restoration services on a landscape scale with the aim to help drastically reverse negative climate change effects and sequester carbon to offset current C02 atmospheric release rates. Our mission objectives aim to assist in restoring the natural ecological services that forest systems provide worldwide. Some of these ecological services include naturally filtering surrounding river systems, combatting soil erosion, habitation for pollinator species, and removal of air pollutants. Such services can number in the cost of billions of dollars annually, if artificially replaced upon their absence. These eco-services also maintain the balance of fragile ecosystems, protect endangered species, and help vulnerable communities severely impacted by the continual consequences of deforestation.

Seeding a New Future.

We utilise state-of-the-art drone technologies, LiDAR topographical surveying methods, satellite tracking systems, machine learning algorithms, and ground-breaking in-house engineering designs for our Seed Ejection Device (SES) and Drone Seeding Fleet (DSF).

Combining these systems in an integrated platform allows us to push the envelope in the developing fields of seed-ball research and drone-seeding, in real-time applications for large-scale reforestation efforts. Our systems work synchronously to maximise planting efficiency, seedling establishment, and sapling survival. We also monitor post-planting with mapping and data analysis after seeding to continually improve upon our results.

As we launch our platform systems in multiple high-profile projects internationally, we also collect data sets for publication use in collaboration with our partners in order to publish our advances, so others may benefit from our successes in their own restoration efforts.

Get in touch today.

Herming Grove’s operational plan is aimed with a primary long-term end goal of large scale re-greening efforts utilising a scalable formulaic approach.

Using state-of-the art technology in a combined systematic design, Herming Grove’s end goal is 30+ Billion Trees Planted a Year to reverse the level of Carbon Fixation lost annually through deforestation and other carbon fixing plant biomass lost via anthropogenic causes. Our efforts in combination with currently advancing carbon sequestering technologies and reversals of harmful ecological practices on a global scale, could lead us to a foreseeable future where climate change and its damages have been successfully reversed within our lifetime.

We can achieve this goal with our systems as we scale them up. It just becomes a question of the number of drone-seeding systems in place over a length of time. This duration of time shortens drastically with the help of sponsors, partners, research institutions, and our volunteers.