Redesigning by Nature.

It takes a lot more to rebuild than it does to destroy. By finding the balance between engineering and nature, we can work towards an easy solution.

We are Herming Grove.

Capitalising on innovation, we use emerging technologies to create the systems needed to facilitate our goals, such as our Drone Seeding Fleet (DSF), Seed Ejection System (SES), and Seed-Ball Manufacturing Facility (SMF) in order to dramatically scale up restoration of entire forest systems and wildfire impacted habitats.

See what we’re about.

Download our capability statement to read our mission statement, learn more about our drones and read our message to partners.

Drone-seeding Breakdown

Meet our team

“Herming” is the term for species of plants that can practice self-pollination.

Herming Grove loosely translates to a ‘self-pollinating forest’ and is indicative of our mission objective to repair, re-plant, and restore entire forest systems so that they become self-sustaining.

Herming is also a mix between the last names of our two founders, Andrew Herman and Marie Gin. It is meant to sound in likeness to ‘Hummingbird’; one of the major pollinators on Earth; and is the inspiration behind our company’s logo.

We always strive to take inspiration from the natural systems we aim to restore.